Test Your Pediatric Dentistry IQ


1) True or False: Baby teeth need to be cared for just as much as permanent teeth, even though they will fall out.


2) True or False: You should take your child to a pediatric dentist soon after the first tooth appears and no later than his or her first birthday.


3) In choosing a pediatric dentist you should:

a – Choose one who puts your child at ease.
b – Choose one you trust.
c – Look for a dentist with strong credentials and rigorous training.
d – Consider visiting the dental office prior to the first visit.
e – All of the above.

4) True or False: Your child should have X-rays taken every time he or she visits the pediatric dentist.


5) Your child should see a pediatric dentist:

a – Every three months
b – Every six months
c – Once a year
d – When they have a toothache
e – It depends on the individual needs of the child

6) It’s important for your pediatric dentist to:

a – Explain treatment plans to both you and your child before beginning any procedure
b – Discuss fees prior to the procedure
c – Be accessible to you through e-mail, text or cell phone for emergencies or important questions during non-business hours
d – Prepare for each child’s visit the night before the appointment
e – All of the above

7) You should change your child’s toothbrush:

a – Every month
b – Every three months
c – Every six months
d – Only in months that end with the letter “y”
e – Every three months or if your child gets a cold.

8) Your child should brush his or her teeth at least:

a – After every meal
b – Once a day
c – Twice a day
d – When ever they remember

9) True or False: The only way to treat children with multiple cavities is through sedation or restraints.


10) You know you’re child is old enough to start brushing his or her own teeth when he or she can:

a – Take the cap off the toothpaste
b – Can tie a shoe
c – Go to school for the first time
d – Can solve an algebra equation without any help



1. True – The baby teeth should be cared for because they help in smiling, speech, chewing food, developing the jaw and holding space for permanent teeth.

2. True – The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends establishing a dental home by the child’s first birthday.

3. E – All of the above.

4. False – X-rays should be taken when they provide valuable information.

5. E – It depends on the individual needs of the child

6. E – All of the above

7. E – Every three months or if your child gets a cold.

8. C – Twice a day

9. False – Less invasive approaches are now available.

10. B – Can tie a shoe





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