15 Myths and Facts About Cavities

1. Sugar Is the Only Thing That Causes Cavities Myth, but it’s almost a fact. “The truth is, acid produced by bacteria in your mouth is the cause of cavities,” says Kimberly A. Harms, DDS, an American Dental Association spokeswoman. Any carb you eat can start that process. That includes sugar as well as rice,…

10 cool truths about the tooth

Below are 10 fun facts about teeth we thought you’d enjoy learning about. The enamel on the top surface on your tooth is the hardest part of your entire body. Teeth start to form even before you are born—milk teeth or baby teeth start to form when the baby is in the womb, but they…

Info-graphics: Dental Health Facts You Need to Know

Not taking care of your mouth can lead to many dental problems: bad breath, gum disease, cavities, sensitivity and even tooth loss. But the good news is these issues are preventable. For ideal dental health, there are numerous good habits you need to adopt. Here are few dental health facts you should know. Maintaining your oral…

Info-graphics: Dental Facts (Australia)

Despite the relatively high standard of living and the positive impact of water fluoridation, dental disease poses a significant burden to us. The following statistics highlight the prevalence and impact of dental disease and the link between lifestyle behaviours and good oral health. Oral Health There are over 19 million decayed teeth in Australia with…

Info-graphics: Did you know? Cool truths about the tooth.

Beautiful and healthy teeth are more than just an attractive asset, they provide us with the self-confidence we need to improve our quality of life. Research has also shown that health teeth are an important factor that affects our diet, and overall health and wellness. Having healthy teeth is something that shouldn’t be taken for…

Crazy and Fun Dental Facts

Believe it or not, teeth can be fun! Here are ten fun and crazy dental facts that will make you smile! 1) The average human produces 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime. That is enough spit to fill 2 swimming pools! 2) You SHOULD NOT keep your toothbrush near a toilet. The airborne particles from…